Saturday 18th May 2019

Tackling Obesity Together

The European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO)  is pleased to announce the 2018/19 awards programme for activities held in conjunction with European Obesity Day (EOD).

The European Obesity Day Awards are presented annually in recognition of excellence, innovation and best practice in advancing the understanding of obesity, and the importance of its prevention and treatment.

The purpose of the awards

The EOD Awards are part of EASO’s activities to support the development of a stronger and more successful obesity community throughout Europe. In creating a high profile, wide reaching and very well respected awards programme we strive to create a stronger community by:

  • Drawing attention to Europe’s best practices
  • Sharing learning and experiences
  • Stimulating the debate

Who can enter?

You are encouraged to enter the awards yourself or on behalf of your organisation, but you can also nominate others for any of the award categories.

All categories are open to EASO National Members, campaign supporters, related disease and patient organisations, support groups, members of the medical profession, patients and other individuals.

The Award categories

Best National Training Programme for Health Professionals

In recognition of excellence for obesity management training organised for health professionals in Europe. It may have been conducted nationally, regionally or locally and may be awarded to organisations or individuals.

Best Patient Engagement Programme

For the best engagement with patients with obesity. This could include supporting patients who have obesity or providing help and information for those who are recovering from the disease. Open to patient organisations, support groups, members of the medical profession and individuals.

Best Public Engagement Programme

In recognition of awareness and information building about obesity and its treatment. Such engagement could include for example, a traditional or social media campaign, or the organisation a public event in conjunction with EOD.

Best Collaborative Project

For the best collaborative approach to promoting European Obesity Day. Have you held an  excellent event in conjunction with other partners for example? Or have you found another novel way of collaborating with others to draw attention to and promote the most important day in the European obesity calendar?

Eligible initiatives

Initiatives must have been promoted as being in conjunction with European Obesity Day 2018 (May 19, 2018) or as part of the run up to European Obesity Day 2019 (May 18, 2019).

Although European Obesity Day is a focal point for many EOD activities, initiatives take place throughout the year and many are held in the months beforehand and the weeks immediately afterwards.

The closing date for entries is Friday April 5, 2019 and initiatives can have taken place, or have started, at any time during the previous 12 months.

The judges

All entries will be judged by a panel of judges consisting of representatives from the World Health Organisation, the EASO Patients Council, and the EASO Executive Committee.

The winners and trophies

The winners will be announced at an award ceremony to be held on the eve of the EASO European Policy Conference on Obesity, which will take place in Brussels on Thursday May 16.

One winner from each category, representing either themselves or a winning organisation, will be invited to attend the ceremony as a guest of EASO and will receive a complementary pass to the Policy Conference and the opportunity to visit the European Parlamentarium (

An EOD Trophy will be presented to each category winner.

How to enter

Entry is quick and easy. Simply fill in the details of your entry (or nomination) using the online form.

If you are able to provide photographs, press cuttings, posters, or other evidence of your initiative, you may increase your chances of winning.