Saturday 18th May 2019

Tackling Obesity Together


Obesity may cause breathlessness, narrowing of the airways, asthma, reduced lung reserve providing insufficient flow of oxygen, or more serious conditions that cause a blood clot to form in the blood vessels of the lungs.

Obesity and respiratory diseases

Obesity plays a key role in the development of obstructive sleep apnea and obesity hypoventilation syndrome. Asthma is more common and often harder to treat in the population with obesity. Obesity also has an effect on airway inflammation and respiratory mechanics.[i]

For more information on respiratory difficulties please see the European Respiratory Society (ERS).

[i] Zammit, C., Liddicoat, H., Moonsie, I. & Makkert, H. (2010). Obesity and respiratory diseases.  International Journal of General Medicine. Vol. 3; pp. 335-343