Saturday 18th May 2019

Tackling Obesity Together

infographic_17_750pxThis includes eating healthily, taking regular exercise and trying to avoid some of the environmental factors that can cause obesity such as stress and sedentary work and living styles.

Many lifestyle habits begin during childhood therefore parents and families should encourage their children to make healthy choices, such as following a healthy diet and being physically active, and committing to these choices together as a family.

You should make healthy food choices and eat the recommended amount of five portions of fruit and vegetables a day.  Make sure you eat a well-balanced diet and limit your intake of processed and sugar-sweetened products. Keep in mind your portion sizes, especially when eating out, as the portions served in restaurants are often large enough for more than one adult.

Although much of our day consists of sedentary time at work or school, try to encourage yourself and your family to participate together in fun activities of moderate-intensity that everyone would enjoy. It is also important to educate yourself and those around you about the benefits of being physically active.

Train together for a walk or a run, or if you do not enjoy running, go for a brisk walk, bike or rollerblade.

Keeping track of your weight, Body Mass Index (BMI) and your waist circumference can help you identify the signs of weight gain that will be much easier to address in its early stages than when reaching obesity.
