Saturday 18th May 2019

Tackling Obesity Together

At European level

  • EOD events held in the European Parliament in Brussels, including one at which the EU Health Commissioner was the keynote speaker. Other participants included the Chief Scientist of the WHO, Members of the European Parliament, Commission officials and Permanent Representatives.
  • An EOD event held in the European Parliament in Strasbourg, personally endorsed by the EU Health Commissioner.
  • The launch of a pan-European public perception survey highlighting the health issues connected with obesity and how they are hugely underestimated.
  • The facilitation of a written declaration, signed by more than 100 MEPs calling for action.  It was launched at a Healthy Breakfast Event held in the EU Parliament in Brussels.
  • More than 100 policymakers, including representatives of the European Institutions and Member State health authorities, attended the high-level conference on ‘Implementing national obesity policies and action plans in Europe’ in Brussels on 10 May, 2017.


  • An event for pharmacists answering their questions about obesity and providing information on strategies to reduce the number of people living with obesity.
  • Media round table event held in Vienna with media, politicians, experts in medicine and psychology, patient support groups, health organisations, pharmacy associations.


  • CHU Liège media round table event on a multidisciplinary approach to obesity.
  • Speakers included a patient, an endocrinologist, a psychologist, a dietician, an anaesthesiologist, a specialist in child obesity and a bariatric surgeon.


  • events-bulgariaEvent in commercial centre of Sofia with BMI testing and distribution of certificates for participants. Escalators and lifts were briefly stopped to encourage physical activity.
  • Training session for General Practitioners on obesity and the role of treatment with the support of some professional organisations.
  • Public-facing symposium on obesity with media involvement and participation of both government officials and academics.
  • Free anthropometric tests and specialist consultations leading up to EOD.
  • Lectures and publicity around EOD at the Sofia Science Festival.
  • Bean soup – the role of vegetables in our everyday diet, Lecture for school-aged children.
  • Half-day symposium on Trends in the treatment and management of obesity, 19 May 2016, at Medical University of Sofia.


  • Physical exercise sessions such as biking, Nordic walking, Tai Chi and stretching.
  • Blood pressure, cholesterol and BMI testing with analysis of water, fat tissue and calorie intake conducted by health care professionals who also made recommendations.
  • Public debate with patients, health care professionals and policy makers, supported by the Ministry of Health and the delegation of the EU to Croatia.
  • Association for Overweight Prevention organised its first conference “Croatian Obesity Day” in Dubrovnik. Many healthcare professionals were on the speaker panels and in attendance as delegates.


  • Distribution of consumer leaflets through pharmacies and dieticians’ offices.
  • Nutrition Festival to celebrate the Cypriot Nutrition Day.

Czech Republic

  • events-czech-republicTraining sessions for pharmacists focused on fighting obesity.
  • BMI testing and consultations in pharmacies across the Czech Republic.
  • Press conference with the support of the Pharmacy Chamber of Commerce.
  • “Education points” for citizens including a tent in the busy part of three main cities where nutritionists measured BMI, waist circumference, and advised on risks and solutions.
  • Open Nordic walking session and free entry to courses about obesity.
  • Kilometre count with an online tool to ‘walk together around the Earth’ until 21 May.
  • STOBklub promoted EOD on its website with a promotion to encourage exercise. Members added their kilometres walked and run and time spent exercising each day over a three month period.
  • STOBklub collected recipes as well as exercise and relaxation tips which they shared on their Facebook page each day up to EOD.


  • Public running event.
  • BMI measurement within the national parliament and Tallinn city-government.
  • ’Men’s weight day’: free counselling in special obesity clinics.


  • events-francePublic picnic and gathering with information stands in Paris.
  • Free distribution of fruit, vegetables and healthy recipes.
  • Free use of city bikes for the public for the day.
  • Support from the Ministry of Health and several government agencies providing information on obesity, overweight and nutrition.
  • Information stands and nutrition and physical activity workshops in many French cities.
  • Press conference targeting the professional press as well as the general public.
  • BMI testing and information about EOD in pharmacies across France.
  • Press conference organised by CNAO (French National Obesity Association) and sponsored by Medtronic in Paris. It was held around the publication of a white paper with 13 recommendations to improve the follow up for bariatric patients.
  • Almost 50 activities were held across France on the EOD 2016 weekend.
  • Open door days of IOCP (Centre for Nutrition, Surgery and Metabolism) in Paris with workshops.
  • Workshops on bariatric surgery, nutrition, psychologic care of patients, plastic surgery and dieticians.
  • Open door day held by the Association “fort en sport” (strong in sport) in Lyon introducing physical activity that is adapted to the needs of people with obesity.
  • The Association Nouvelle Vie (New life) in Champigny-sur-Marne held a walk and a healthy picnic on EOD weekend.
  • Baria 33 (The association of bariatric surgery patients in the Gironde region) organised activities on EOD in Carignan de Bordeaux including a Qi Gong demonstration, walking groups, a diet quiz and a networking exchange.
  • Caloris (Centre for Obesity and its Health Risks in the Auvergne region) in Clermont-Ferrand organised a plus-size clothes exchange on EOD.
  • The Centre Hospitalier du Pays d’Aix (hospital centre in the south of France) organised an information session on obesity and overweight, including prevention and medical and surgical treatment.
  • The Atrium Polyclinique Les Bleuets in Reims organised workshops, information sessions, sport sessions and exchange opportunities with a special focus on patients on EOD.
  • The hospital centre in Boulogne sur Mer organised a Nordic walk, in addition to different workshops (including food tasting, massages and physical activities).
  • The medical centre of Basse Terre in Guadeloupe organised a full day event on EOD. This included a clothes exchange, a fashion show, aqua-biking and different stands to raise awareness about health and obesity.


  • A conference dedicated to EOD was held in Tbilisi. It was attended by nearly 250 medical professionals.
  • More than 100 patients with overweight or obesity were offered free consultations to coincide with European Obesity Day. The free consultations included taking BMI and waist circumference measurements, ultrasound scans of the abdomen, and glucose and lipid monitoring.
  • The importance of European Obesity Day was discussed on two popular TV shows in Georgia.
  • A press release on EOD was posted on the Facebook page of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Affairs. It was also translated and distributed to major newspapers, press agencies and via the Ministry’s social media channels.
  • Various infographics were translated into Georgian language and used on social media.
  • Georgian Association for the Study of Obesity held an education course on overweight and obesity, attended by doctors and patients. More than 150 patients benefited from free consulations in two major regions – Adjara and Kakheti.
  • Discussions about the importance of the European Obesity Day were discussed on the national TV programme “Doctor Time”.


  • Media Roundtable at which the results of a survey among consumers with questions about obesity was discussed. Politicians, patients and pharmacists were represented on the panel.
  • EOD promotion activities held in the Berlin Friedrichstraße train station.
  • Media Roundtable under the title ‘Aussteigen aus der Spirale – nie wieder Jojo’ (‘Step out of the spiral – no more yoyo’).
  • Television cooperation ‘Feel fat for one day’ demonstrating the burden of obesity.


  • Media event presenting results from a recent survey.


  • Press conference with medical specialists on issues around overweight and obesity.


  • Tabled of parliamentary questions and photoshoot with Member of the Parliaments and healthcare professionals.


  • events-italyRoad show covering 13 cities in Italy with a vehicle specifically designed to facilitate health check-ups including BMI measurements.
  • Conference and educational events in hospitals for healthcare professionals and patients.
  • Information about EOD provided in over 5000 pharmacies.
  • Event organised at the Italian Senate with a press conference involving Senators, the President of National Health Institute (ISS), the Director General of the Ministry of Health, the Director of Ministry of Health chronic disease commission and the President of the Italian Obesity Society.
  • An Italian Senator announced the submission of an official petition in the Senate on obesity as an important disease.
  • Public event with the Council of the Lombardy Region.


  • Conference and educational events in hospitals for healthcare professionals and patients.


  • Conference and educational events in hospitals for healthcare professionals and patients.


  • Press conference held to launch the EOD campaign ahead of a Maltese government announcement on a strategy against obesity.
  • Citizen walk met by the Health Minister at the finish.
  • Public discussion event on obesity and its risks, attended by press and the Health Minister.
  • Activity zones, involving fruit give-aways and nutritionists providing advice.
  • Free consultations with a certified nutritionist during the week of EOD.


  • Meetings with regional groups to discuss obesity on a personal level, improving health and overall quality of life.
  • Co-operation with the anorexia/bulimia society around problems with weight control and unhealthy diets.


  • The Norwegian Association for the Study of Obesity arranged an interview with Dr. Peter Juliusson. The article was published in several Norwegian newspapers.


  • events-polandTraining course for over 200 pharmacists with educational credit points (test at the end) on ’Obesity and overweight prevention and treatment’.
  • Distribution of EOD material (leaflets, posters) and dissemination of hard-copies of EOD surveys in Polish and English.
  • Debate on obesity with leading scientific experts.
  • Information about EOD and BMI testing on healthy weight loss in pharmacies.
  • EOD breakfast time TV coverage including an interview with an eminent bariatric surgeon.
  • OD-WAGA Foundation ran EOD mini-campaign “Everyday Life of Obese Patients in Local Poland”. It was aimed at showing the difficult medical and social situations of patients with obesity living in small Polish towns.
  • A new pilot programme started in Podkarpacie, the poorest region of Poland, campaigning for a hospital that can offer bariatric surgery.


  • events-portugalDebate around obesity and EOD with the participation of the Minister of Health and the Secretary of State, with the aim of developing more commitment to tackle obesity.
  • Three-day event on university campus measuring BMI and blood pressure.
  • EOD promotional materials in various hospital canteens.
  • Full day training course on EOD and obesity treatment and prevention for pharmacists.
  • Information about EOD and BMI testing on healthy weight loss in pharmacies.
  • The Portuguese Society for the Study of Obesity (SPEO) held a public discussion on Obesity: A shared responsibility. Attended by more than 60 health professionals, patients, national health representatives and journalists.
  • Tackling Obesity Together launch event on 20 May, 2017 in Porto, coinciding with ECO 2017. Health screenings; lectures, information, and advice on nutrition; traditional games; and other public attractions to raise awareness of obesity.


  • Public debate organised under the auspices of the President of the Chamber of Deputies with local authorities, medical organisations, NGOs, companies, and the media.
  • Sports events in Bucharest and other cities; Red Cross tents in the biggest cities in Romania as information points on a healthy lifestyle and risks of obesity.


  • past-events-slovakiaBMI testing and consultations in pharmacies.
  • Forum for obesity specialists organised by Members of the Obesity Section of the Slovak Diabetes Society (OS SDS).
  • Collaboration with the journal Via Practica on obesity education (for GPs).
  • Pilot projects to highlight the first Slovak Obesity Day in three cities – Bratislava, Trnava and Kosice – under the auspices of the Minister of Health and the Slovak Director of WHO.
  • Public event on EOD to measure blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels, and to determine BMI.
  • Free public consultations for overweight or obese people and for their relatives and friends.
  • In Bratislava, scientists from the Department of obesity Institute of Experimental Endocrinology SAS explained the causes and consequences of obesity from the perspective of molecules, cells and organs. They also provided information on obesity research.
  • Nordic Walking techniques event in cooperation with the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports.
  • In Kosice (the 2016 European capital city of sport), sports activities were held in cooperation with the Institute of Physical Education and Sports.
  • In Trnava people with obesity were able to meet experts to discuss bariatric surgery.
  • The Slovakian Diabetes Society (Obesitology Department) organised lectures for patients and their families as well as activities for members of Slovakian Parliament.


  • events-spainPress conference open to the public.
  • Poster campaign in 30 hospitals.
  • The Spanish Obesity Society conducted a survey about life habits and their relation to obesity, addressed to the wider public.


  • Pharmacy campaign ‘Gewicht im Gleichgewicht’ to increase awareness about obesity.
  • Dedicated website telling the stories of yo-yo dieters and an essay competition.
  • Media activities including connecting journalists with obesity experts.